Monday, December 24, 2012

Code Name God: Part 2

One big part, for me anyway, in understanding my position with God is the Father aspect. I think people overlook that sometimes, and take a prideful I know it better stance when contemplating God. 

It can be hard to grasp if you're not a parent, but if you can remember when you were a kid there was a time to just trust your parents. We didn’t have the wisdom to fully understand the sitch yet. With age comes wisdom, right? Here I sit at 39 still working on grasping this natural long would it take to grasp the supernatural? Again taking the perspective that God is real, I’m still just a baby at 39. Look at it like this. We were created to live for eternity. For discussion sake stretch out your arms all the way, and we’ll call that eternity. Now take the smallest speck on your pinky nail and that is still not as small as 39 years. Our wisdom level in that perspective is of an infant, we just can’t grasp it yet.

Bad things happening is not God’s intention. He created us to live for ever, to never be sick, sad, or feel the sting of death. So He created our kind, our nature, He created man, Adam and Eve. In the garden we had it all, we loved God and He walked with us. God created us with free will, because He wanted us to love Him by choice, our love would be pure. We would be different from the angels, not conscripted to service. 

Now in the garden was a few different trees bearing fruit, a couple in particular where, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told us just don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One rule man, just one, and we kept it until tempted. Now here is where some will differ, who tempted us? Wether the fall of Satan happened before or after this is unknown and irrelevant. The big thing is how the temptation was presented, “You can be just like God”. 

When Satan split from God his battle cry was to big like God or better. That is the temptation that struck a cord with our pride, so yum yum. Now we knew evil, we knew fleshly desires, and they sure were appealing. Our free will was turned on it’s head. God as any parent had to act. He had to act because if we ate from the tree of life we would live forever. We would have no consequences for any of our actions because we would never die. We would have no reason to come back to God, He would be useless to us, and we would be permanently lost. So we were banished from the garden, given a world that would be overgrown with thorns (hard times), and our bodies would be subject to disease and death. It must not have been easy for God, but in a round about way He did it to save us. The whole, this is going to hurt me more than you. I hate disciplining my kids, but I know they need it. Now when God comes to the Earth as Jesus this gets resolved, another story completely.   

Our bad actions are, just that, ours. How can we hold God accountable for what we did? He gave us everything and just one simple rule to follow and we couldn’t follow it. In fact  we were so arrogant we went after the tree to make us like God not the tree giving everlasting life. Now is it fair? I would assume most people think it’s not. I remember thinking a lot of punishments as unfair when I was a kid. We may ask why are we all punished for one persons actions. Can’t we find many examples of that in the world? Don’t some of our laws take away from many innocents because of the actions of a few guilty? But perspectively, we are all guilty, we all fall short. Adam is us, he is a representation of our core. 

Death, disease, violence, and suffering it’s all our fault. Our original sin set this all in motion. God doesn’t let it happen. In our prideful nature we are so much smarter than him and we chose to do it.

Later Jesus will come to pay the price and provide a road back to God. So God doles out the curse, but came to pay the price for the road back. We are all prodigals.

If God is real, why does He let bad things happen?’s all on us.

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