So we find ourselves in a conundrum, again absolute victory without any choice. Leave all who differ in my wake so I may say, “Neener neener you are a poo poo head”.
Let’s set the stage, what are you fighting for? Gays, the right to love who I want. Acceptance. Validation of our relationship under the law. DOMA people. Sanctity of marriage. Traditional marriage. Family Values.
What if I said you both are wrong? What if I told you both extreme sides lack Love? What if I told you the SCOTUS decision will not help? What if I told you the government could fix the problem with marriage, and they will not do what it takes to make it right? You would say stop asking questions.
Where does marriage come from? When you try to look it up through secular means, you will find yourself at a wall that no reliable source exists. That’s because the world discounts Biblical beginnings on anything. Marriage does not exists without God.
WOAH! Go easy, just read on.
“Till death do us part.” is complete BS without God. Today’s marriages are more like, “Till I find you ugly...or fat...or annoying. Till I find someone better looking, more fun. Till I feel like I want to sleep with some one else...”, the list goes on. If I have not made a covenant with an outside party, God, why would I ever find it necessary to keep this bond? If I don’t believe in the ultimate plan God has for marriage why fight for it. Marriage has become like any other business transaction, if one side is unfulfilled they opt out. There is no validity to the phrase, “traditional marriage”. Traditions change, and are modified to fit the will, needs, or desires of the participants. The stand should be at Biblical marriage vs non-biblical marriage.
Now Christians you have done more than your part to break down Biblical marriage. In fact Christian you gave it a death blow. You proclaim your vows in front of God, right? Then you go right out and destroy that covenant. You sin you blow up your marriage, and you never fight to keep it. You take the easy way out, you divorce. You piss away you covenant with God, based on the Grace of forgiveness, as a crutch not a safety net. You quit. And, yes I understand there are perfectly acceptable Biblical outs to marriage. I know Moses brought the law of divorce, I get it. I would be willing to bet, however, 85-95% of Christian divorces would not meet the mark there.
Christians have not been the light for Biblical marriage, you have even used the phrase, “traditional marriage”, knowing very well the downgrade on marriage that is. Biblical marriage minus God is traditional marriage. Traditional marriage has no leg to stand on. Well done Christians your defense of marriage now looks like hate, because you can’t keep the standard.
But, as a Christian I know we have forgiveness for the sin of divorce. Our flesh is weak, in fact, we fall on Christ as believers because we will all screw up sometime. We know we are flawed and unable to meet the mark. It’s now time for us to extend that Love to others, without fear or knowledge of their sins.
Gay couples can’t get married. Marriage is not set up for that. Marriage belongs in the Church not the law. Contracts are governed by secular laws, marriage should not be. Marriage was hijacked by the government to define the family unit. It was short sighted, but it was the easiest way at the time. This in no way excludes gays or anyone from the right to come together and form a family unit, and be rewarded with the legal benefits of taking care of someone else and raising kids. Why as a nation have we gotten to a place where, we have to have sex with someone to take care of them. We have let our coming together as a two people to raise a family be decided by who or how we have sex. Why is this an issue?
Being able to love who you want is not validated by marriage, many secular heterosexual couples love each other and never marry. The “Don’t tell me who I can love!”, campaign is just that, a campaign to vilify the other side. Let that go, being able to get married will not bring you acceptance.
From me: You can love whoever you want. I accept you, and want you to care for someone, I want you to be cared for. I want you to raise children. I want you to have full access to all benefits that my family unit has. I want all this for you and everyone. I don’t care who or what you have sex with. That is for you and God. If you don’t believe in God then you rely on the law of the land.
Now to me the secular law that governs the land should have no religion, no emotion, and no morals. It should look at all things objectively, making all decisions in the favor of fairness in a republic run by law. Law is capable of governing contracts, and that is what we should unite as a people and push for, coupling contracts. Terms, conditions, and length to be decided by those to enter into the contract. Your emotion, passion, and sex life to be decided by you, no government intervention. All couples governed the same in the eyes of the law, under contract law. Any two consenting adults can enter into this kind of contract regardless of relationship.
Abstract example: Two sisters one a widow with no desire to remarry. The other has a slight disability that prevents her from holding a full time job with healthcare benefits. Sister one has a good job with great benefits and and adolescent child. These two could come together under a couple contract, live together and help each other. Sister one could gain a second “parent” to be there and help raise the child. Sister two would gain healthcare and monetary assistance. Take the religion, emotion, moral, and sex out of it, what is left is a real solution to so many problems.
Everyone stop trying to win, stop trying to vilify the other side. Respect each other’s values, beliefs, and traditions. Demand that our government come up with real sustainable solutions, that can grant rights to everyone while protecting the core beliefs of others. It is possible, but we as a whole must demand it.
Conclusion: In my humble opinion the SCOTUS will do one of two things. One conclude the Prop 8 sponsors had no standing to file an appeal. Thus really keeping the power to decide marriage rights to the states. Two rule that marriage is a civil right and unconstitutional to deny anyone of it. Neither would surprise me, but I would tend to lean toward the first. That would keep the federal government off the hook, without really choosing a side.
Both sides-Get over yourselves.
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